Our Story

Hey, welcome to my site!  My name is Satavia and I'm a thirty-something, native Dallas Texan.  I am the proud Mom of three school-aged daughters, with a 1 year son bringing up the rear.  As the eldest of four, I spend time with my extended family and friends, I enjoy a good prank and a good laugh.  As a seasoned traveler, we take time to relax where the wind blows us.

 My journey into Hair and Skin Care started because I am a Mom.  In late 2008, my oldest daughter's hair started falling out.  The medical community (Dermatologists, Allergists, and Pediatricians)  were unable to give us satisfactory answers about what was happening.  As her Mom, I began to examine all foods and products we used. I researched and introduced more natural products to care for my children until I developed the right balance, known as YOU DEFINE NATURAL. Natural has a different meaning to everyone, and only you can determine your natural.

Our products are a labor of love, natural and based on what I use personally in our home. Take a few moments to get to know us and our products. You will be more than satisfied!
Thanks for stopping by, 